Scholarship Schemes
PML SD Business School offers an unparalleled scholarships framework including benefits for the following:
- Meritorious students
A one time academic scholarship is offered to candidates on the basis of academic performance at the level of graduation as shared below.
Sr. No. | Graduation Score (%) |
Scholarship Amount (INR) |
1 | More than or equal to 75 | 50,000 |
2 | Between 65 and 75 | 35,000 |
3 | Between 60 and 65 | 25,000 |
- Alumni of colleges setup under the aegis of GGDSD College Society, Chandigarh
A one time academic scholarship of Rs. 1,00,000 is offered to alumni of colleges setup under the aegis of GGDSD College Society, Chandigarh.
- Needs/Means based
A one time academic scholarship is offered to candidates fulfilling following conditions:
Sr. No. | Particulars | Scholarship Amount (INR) |
1 | Wards of martyrs | 50,000 |
2 | Defence wards | 20,000 |
- Female students
A one time academic scholarship at the rate of 20% of the scholarship amount already applicable will be offered to female candidates.