Code of Conduct                  

All students must behave in a Professional manner as expected from a B-School student and must maintain discipline and follow rules, regulations and guidelines as prescribed by the Institute from time to time. Any deviation from the rules, regulations and or guidelines will lead to appropriate action, fines including expulsion of the student from the B-School. The undertaking in this respect will be given by the student at the time of admission.           

  • Students are expected to follow a professional and decent dress code in the B-School. Each student will be required to come in dress code every Monday and Thursday and to formal events. On first default Rs.500 fine will be imposed and on every second default Rs.250 fine will be applicable.
  • Use of mobile(s) are not permitted during the class session(s). If any student is found guilty, the mobile phone is be confiscated and he/ she is fined.
  • The timeframe of various events and activities will be intimated to the students from time to time and they are expected to adhere to these deadlines. Late entry in class and events will not be allowed.
  • For each subject, the faculty will enroll students in Google Classroom and all assignments are required to be submitted online in this interface as per deadline prescribed by the faculty. Submissions that are up to 24 hours late will be penalized by a 20% grade reduction for the applicable assignment. Submissions that are 24 or more hours late will receive a score of zero.
  • Every student needs to have at least 85% attendance to appear for the mid semester and end semester examinations. Anyone having less than 85% attendance and less than 50% internal assessment will not be allowed to sit in the final examinations. The 15% attendance out of 85% required can be given by the faculty for experiential learning / practical projects / visits to industry as per course requirements. The student can avail 10 medical leaves (to be approved by the Programme Coordinator in a semester).
  • A student can get upto 4 books from the Institute library during the semester. The books are issued for 10 days. Fine of Re 10 per day will be charged for late submission of books in the library. The new books/renewal will be issued on the clearing of fine by the students. The students must return their books before the start of 4th Semester Examinations.
  • The students are required to pay semester fee as per deadlines / Notice issued by the Admin Office. A fee of Rs 100 per day will be charged for the late deposit of fee. The name of the student will be struck off from the official records of the Institute owing to non-submission of fee as per deadlines.
  • The rules & regulations of the Placement Cell are available in the Handbook of Information.
  • Smoking and alcohol and drugs abuse are strictly prohibited in the Institute. The Institute properties and equipment are to be handled with care. The recovery of the damage to property of the Institute will be recovered from the defaulters.
  • The students must restrain themselves from any type of ragging in the B-School. The Institute will take strict action as per norms prescribed by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).