Professor shuseel

Dr. Susheel Chhabra


A strategic visionary, institution builder, inspiring team leader possesses 30 years of teaching, training and research experience (16years at Senior levels and 11 years as a professor).

Currently, working as Professor at PML SD Business School, a sisterinstitution of renowned GGDSD College Society, Chandigarh. In his previous assignment asProfessor, Dean and Director at an MBA institution affiliated to Guru Gobind SinghIndraprastha University, Delhi. Prior to this he worked as Assistant Dean, Sr. Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at Lal Bahadur ShastriInstitute of Management (LBSIM), Delhi and prior tothis worked for Department of Commerce, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.

He is Ph.D. (Commerce), MBA (HRM), MCA, Certified Project Manager (IPMA C Level), Enterprise Design ThinkingPractitioner, IBM. He has to his credit 26 research publications including 7 (Scopus Indexed), 1 (PsycINFO®), 3 (UGCCare Listed), 9 books (8 International Publishers, 1 National Publisher), 4 Chapters in International Level Books,organized/participated 33 MDPs/Workshops/Seminars, completed 4 funded researchprojects(s), supervised 3M.Phil. thesis. Developed course curricula & design new Courses. He is Scholarly Editor of Content ProInternational, USA and Ex Editor-in-Chief of 2 International Journals, IGI Global, USA, USA for 11 years.